Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My memories

Ah, the good old bed I used to sleep.

Feel like an old duck retiring. 3 and a half years have passed, this was the longest period I served in a place. There were many fond memories to cherish. It was usually the on-call time that interesting events happened. I'd never stayed still, I used to move, find and do; time would passed by soon, before I knew, it was usually past 2 midnight before I could peacefully retired to rest.

Time to give space and move.

Ta Siu Yan.

Work meant work to me, I was a serious obsessive-compulsive worker. There were many ups and downs. In my darkest moment, after so much hard work, I was rewarded with a pair of slippers. I was so angry that I wanted to use it to 'ta siu yan', to get rid of all the bad luck. Eventually, I stepped and stepped on it numerous times.

The heat has turned cold now, fire is put off. I am leaving the slippers there for other emotionally tortured souls to step use, when they are cooling themselves in the bathroom.

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