Sunday, February 03, 2008


Despite turning into Foreigntown, I still find PS or Chee Chong Kai to be one of the most vibrant places to visit. It is still one of the important tourist spots where politician should not missed promoting.
And despite the presence of so many foreigns now, PS still maintains the essence of the "Chinese" feels. I love the colorful aspect of the community here.
One could easily find almost anything here.
Especially merrier before Chinese New Year.
After spending the whole evening wandering off the streets, I'd still find my way back to this side walk to enjoy a meal for dinner.
Claypot Chicken Rice, RM 6.00.


Mediviron UOA Clinic said...

hi cytusm.

6 bucks for claypot chicken rice?? i also want to open chicken rice stall like that.

Anonymous said...

Happy chinese new year cytusm!!!
but you 6riggit chicken claypot rice looks so yucky! :P

fibrate said...

Happy CNY cytusm!

Chen said...

i will go for BKT if i visit Petaling Street :)

Happy CNY